On the 7+ hour drive home from a Texas Thanksgiving, I had lots of time to just watch Caroline sleep. I love looking at her tiny hands, fingers and even fingernails. I watched her tiny eyelids twitching during a dream and wondered what she was dreaming about. Maybe she was dreaming about this boat...
Caroline loved playing with William and riding in his boat!

Thank you Grandma Tracy for her homemade sock monkey!
She is truly changing every day. Her new fun thing to do is to use a laundry basket as a walker and push it around the house. I love watching her get it stuck some where and then making baby aggravated noises until she problem solves how to get it where she wants it to go. She now walks a lot more than she crawls. Grammy, Thomas and I have even see her run and hop! She is loving Christmas music and she is always in the mood to dance!
She loves taking clothes out of her drawers (or bowls or tupperware or anything in a non-babyproofed cabinet!) I watched her finally start to realize she can put things back in the drawer/cabinet! Hallelujah! Are we well on our way with having her clean her own room? I doubt it, too.