Tuesday, June 19, 2007

What do you see? Caroline turning pages!

As teachers, you can imagine how proud we are of Caroline! Already reading at the tender age of 4 months. I read Brown Bear, Brown Bear by Bill Martin Jr. to her a couple of times a few weeks ago and she began turning pages for me! She'll now turn pages in everything we read to her. We read Brown Bear every night before bed and we invited daddy to record it for posterity.
She's a little distracted by the camera and daddy at the beginning, but she stays focused and helps me read the whole book!
Caroline Reads

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  1. She's so smart! She'll be reading Nicholas Sparks with me in no time!! What a sweet video that I can watch whenever I want! I love you guys!!!!

  2. caroline and bailey have similiar reading tastes :) you are doing such a great job with that sweet little girl!!!

  3. Wow! Amazing what you can teach children to do!
    I loved how your teacher voice came out quite a bit during that video. :)

  4. She's a genius!! I always knew she would be. Maybe she can tutor Aly Claire...
