School is back in session! My free time is spent playing and kissing on this precious little baby, but right now Daddy is holding the sleeping angel so I can update my blog. I am sure everyone is anxiously awaiting a new post. :-) I'm posting two today, because I never know when my next chance will be!

We have been hearing "dadadadada" over the last few days and she is crawling all over the place! She pulls to a stand from anything she gets her hands on: her exersaucer (which she is strong enough to pull on top of her,) the couch, daddy's leg hair, her changing table and her new piano!

Caroline loves music! Daddy bought this piano for her and she absolutely loves it! She lets Grammy and Aly Claire have fun with it when they take care of her during the day. Caroline loves to turn the plastic music sheets (it makes a paper turning sound when she turns them and plays the corresponding song.) We sing along to the tunes and she loves the slide that changes the pitch of the song from high to low.
Aunt Becky came to watch Caroline while I had a meeting. This is how I found them when I came home...

I think she loves her niece quite a little bit!