First we want to say "CONGRATULATIONS TO AUNT B AND UNCLE TRAV" for their happy news! We are so excited to have a baby cousin that lives just down the road! God is so good! I can already envision posts on our blogs with pictures of the cousins together!
Caroline is talking so much...I actually heard her first sentence (no, no one else would probably be able to understand it, but I did!) She said, "Elmo and Zoe are all wet!" It actually sounded like, "Melmowhoa-weahhwet!" I was so excited! (She was talking about her spoon and fork that are shaped like Elmo and Zoe that were in the dishwasher.)
She loves "pretty" things. She will say, "Oooh!" (rhymes with shoe and she changes pitch in the middle) at Dada's tie or mama's shirt.We had a whole week when the weather was absolutely beautiful and we went to Wilson Park everyday to play on the playground equipment and swing. She can go down the slide all by herself now!
I have stayed busy with Caroline, teaching kindergarten and first grade on Wednesday nights at church, and teaching/planning my college course for UofA. I just accepted a request from them to teach a literacy class this spring that meets the same time this fall class meets! God has been so gracious to work it out so that Tennille and I are able to switch off for the morning and afternoon watching the girls on Thursdays. It's hard to put into words how much I love Tennille (and Lakyn!) Having such an awesome, Christian friend keep Caroline is a HUGE blessing and seeing the girls play and learn from each other is such a joy.
I cannot believe how much I am enjoying teaching college! I keep remembering Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I did not know what it would be like leaving teaching kindergarten that I love so much to stay home with Caroline, but God had the plan ready for me to enjoy watching Caroline grow each day, but still stay connected with teaching through the UofA. I am so thankful! Someone told me (when I wasn't sure if I should stay home or not) that there will always be kindergartners to teach, but Caroline will have only one childhood! I still feel like weeks are flying by, but I am trying to make the most of each moment.
Surrounded by bluebirds!
Making a wish in the well! She kept saying, "more!" Thanks, me-me for the pennies!
This one's for Aunt B and Robyn! "power of the babe!"
See you later!