My baby continues to grow up! In the last few weeks she has been putting several words together to make sentences!! It's so amazing to be conversing with my baby! (Can I keep calling her "baby?") The other day she ate all of her applesauce by herself she looked at me from across the kitchen and said, "Mama happy!" It was so sweet, I almost cried. I told her I was happy! She then said, "Mimi happy! Dadda happy!" etc. She still says "aynk you" for Thank You almost every time without prompting and "me-me" for excuse me after burping or other "noises." She says, "mama pees!" for "Please." She can name almost all of her colors. Lakyn has been trying to teach her to sing her ABC's but she likes to sing "A,D,A,D" She can count "one, two" and sometimes "three" objects. Every morning I feel like she has changed and can do something she did not do the day before!

We have fun together every day reading dozens of books (a few we read a dozen time each!), going to the library, swinging at the park, singing "You're a Grand Ole' Flag whenever we see an American flag, and playing hide and seek in our house (the pantry is her new favorite hiding spot!) We have had time to bake together which she loves! She likes eating "balls" (meatballs) and marinara, cheese, any fruit and chick-fil-a nuggets. She loved going to the Walton Arts Center and seeing The Very Hungry Caterpillar. She laughed and clapped the whole time. Her favorite part is when the caterpillar eats too many sweets and gets a tummy ache. She kept yelling "no!" when they names each treat!
She helped put our Christmas tree up this year and as soon as we get up in the morning she says, "Tree on!" So we plug the lights on, turn on Christmas music and do what she loves the most...Dance!! She tries to sing along with Jewel's "O Holy Night."
We have so much to be thankful for this year: Caroline, our health, family, friends, our church and so many new additions on the way-Aunt B and Uncle T's baby, Canaan's little sister, Jack's little brother.
We hope you have a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving.