I have known for a long time that if it was a boy (and I knew he was a boy, in my heart, all along) that I would use 'Thomas' and 'Alexander.' I just did not know in what order. Obviously, his first name, Thomas, is named after his daddy. His middle name, Alexander, was named by his dad last year!
I remember vividly that Thomas, Caroline and I went to eat (for the first time) at Rick's Iron Skillet in Fayetteville for breakfast after church. (We had planned to go to Denny's with all of our friends and family from church, but we forgot that Bikes, Blues and Barbecue was just ending that day and they had taken over most of the breakfast places in town! So we were at Rick's. We had wanted to try it for a while, so it was a good second option.)
Randomly, I was not pregnant...yet, Thomas said, "If we have a boy, I want to name him Alexander." I was surprised that he had been even thinking about names, but I totally agreed that it was a great name.
So after the accident, I knew it was a boy and I knew I would use Alexander (Daddy Thomas' name is Allen and so they have the same initials!) I just wasn't sure in what order to use the names. After a few prayers and a few days, it just stuck with me. It has to be Thomas Alexander. It sounds great and it brings me comfort and excitement to call our baby Thomas (or "LT" for Little Thomas as Uncle Travis is calling him.)