Okay, I'm finally going to do it. I'm ready to announce on this blog that Miss Caroline has been completely potty-trained for an entire month! I have heard about the "jinx" that blogging about this can lead to, but I'm ready to face it. I can't keep it inside any longer! Caroline chose to do this on her own and has never looked back. She never even wore pull-ups (not even at night!) Just cold turkey, she's potty-trained. Believe me, I am not taking this for granted at all. I'm seriously considering this a blessing from God. I've heard about some of my friends going through "potty boot-camp" and staying home for three or more days, etc. Not Caroline. One day after deciding to be a big girl, we took her to Branson to visit Silver Dollar City. Not one problem, not one pull-up. Amazing.

Train ride at the "City" (as Caroline calls it)
As I just mentioned we visited SDC early last month and I haven't had time to blog about it! Growing up, Becky and I had some of our best memories visiting the amusement park. It seems like we went each summer for several years. Thomas and I had planned on taking her this spring, so I was determined to see our plans through!

Mimi, Aunt B, Caroline and I all went and had the best time. We ate "fair" food (dippin' dots, funnel cake etc.) Of course, we went through "Grandfather's Mansion" ( like a "fun" house.) Sweet Mimi obliged Caroline and went through two or three times with her as well as rode the rides countless times with her. Aunt B and I had to rest several times that day and due to our "conditions" We had to watch more than "ride," which was just as fun.

(The park is situated in the mountains, so we were also tired from climbing the hills! My calves hurt the next day!)
It is so fun experiencing SDC as an adult with a 2 year old. It makes you feel young again!
Catching up with Caroline:
- We just went to her two-year checkup and the doctor was impressed with her verbal skills. He said she is much more like a 3 year old than a 2 year old. It was cute, as he was talking to me she would nod her head and look at me with her hands in the air like "Are you listening to all this?" She was most impressed with the stick-on earrings she got when we were finished.
- She can count to 11 (sometimes skipping "4," but I think it's because it's hard for her to say.)
- She still calls herself "Nine-uh," but I've heard her say "Caroline" twice, so I think she just likes the nickname.
- She could eat a whole bottle of ketchup if I let her.
- She is very much into dancing. She likes to wear "dancing dresses" as she calls them. (Any dress is a "dancing dress.")
- She likes to sing-her favorites right now are Old McDonald, (still) Twinkle, Twinkle, and a song from Dora where whenever we go anywhere she sings "Where are we going? -clap, clap, clap-the bathroom!" or wherever (mimi's house, the park etc.)
- She calls blueberries "boo boo bee bees" She also says "Yummy, hot, toe-toe" (instead of cocoa.) I'll try to post audio next time, too cute.
- She talks to Aunt B's and my belly saying, "Watch baby Thomas" "Watch baby Jett" and then she'll play peek-a-boo "with" them.
As for baby Thomas, he is kicking up a storm-which I LOVE! I have an appointment next Thursday and maybe I'll have more info on him!

As for me, I am trying not to dwell on the fact that the school year is coming to an end. This will be another difficult transition for me. With both of us having been teachers, we always looked forward to our summers off together and planning hiking trips, picnics, and working in the yard. I will be having to "reinvent" myself and routines for the summers now. It's hard to describe, but I will be doing "okay" one minute and then the next I will feel like the air has been knocked out of me as I remember or a piece of the reality of our situation hits me.
I can say that I am having some new "understandings(?)" about life lately. I will hopefully be able to put them into words soon, but for now I'll just say that I realize how each day is an opportunity to do "good" in the world or someone's life. We are all going to die someday. I know that it is morbid, but it is true. We don't like to think about it (and we shouldn't dwell on it) but it is important to realize that some
day will be our last one here on Earth. What then?? How will we feel (if we have time to reflect!) about how we lived our lives? Will we feel we made some kind of lasting impact? Are we happy with what we've accomplished? Any regrets? If we think about those things now, we can do something about them! Most importantly, will we be ready to meet our maker? (I know that sounds like a line in a movie) Seriously, I am so happy that I have an actual relationship with God and when I go to meet Him, we will know each other! I wouldn't want to have Him have to try to remember my name! (ha!)
Anyway, I guess what I am saying is-enjoy each day-and if you aren't, then change what you are doing. Life is too short. Be confident in where you are headed when your time is over, because that one day will be here eventually. If I am able to find joy and be happy (on most days) in such a sad circumstance then everyone must realize that it is not me, but God! He never changes. His promises have been the same from the beginning of time and I am living proof.
"To console those who grieve in Zion, To give them beauty for ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of mourning; That they may be called trees of righteousness, The planting of the LORD, that He may be glorified." Isaiah 61:3
"Do not grieve, for the joy of the
LORD is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
Thank you for your continued prayers. It comforts me so much to know you all care!