As I was beginning to post about Lakyn's first birthday party, I realized I did not post about Alyson Claire's first birthday! Some kind of friend I am!
Rewind to December when Caroline attended her first "first" birthday party!
Aly's mom and I have been best friends since second grade! We have gone through so much together (Slap bracelets, NKOTB, high school, grad school and now teaching in the same district!) We're excited our girls will have fun experiences together like we did! (Except Caroline will never drive. I don't want to even think about that.)
Aly's party was beautiful! The cake was delicious!
Another precious friend had her first birthday on January 18! Lakyn's mommy, Tennille, had a yummy chili supper for us! Lakyn tore into her cake! She has her mom's sweet tooth!
We had so much fun! Caroline and I are so blessed to share these moments with such wonderful friends! Can you tell that I am excited about all of these sweet girls' birthday parties by the amount of exclamation points I'm using?!

T minus 2 days until Caroline's big #1! This time last year we had a snow day at school and we braved the snowy roads to go to the hospital...only to be told it was "false labor" and I had to go home. Looking back I can still get the nervous butterflies in my stomach thinking about how excited and anxious we were to meet our sweet daughter. A whole year has gone by and I can honestly say that I have cherished every second of it, even through the sleepless months (yes, months!) I knew the "baby" moments were fleeting. Every day it gets more fun ! I can hardly fathom what this next year will bring, and not a day goes by that I do not thank our awesome God for Caroline.