Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear Tara in Texas,

I thought I would be cheap and not check a bag, which means I didn't have my camera! I will be borrowing all my pics from Tara's blog!

How can I thank you enough for letting us come spend a week with you and your family!!?? I definitely needed the away time and with a friend like you who cares so much for us. We had the best time and I was truly sad to leave. I leave with fun memories of Caroline's first airplane ride, Boomerang's, Watermark's awesome services, way yummy food (yours and Cafe Brazil-I dream about that hashbrown casserole,) "swimming," Caroline's first necklace made of stringing beads (I still can't believe she did it all by herself!,) Babies R Us (WHY don't we have one??,) learning about how to handle baby boy stuff that I did not experience with Caroline!, my awesome ring sling (I think it will be awesome anyway!,) funny Bailey sayings and prayers, watching the girls devour edamame, and most definitely our late night talks. I love you so much and I can't write more without getting emotional and I am really trying to hold it together. Love you, Bonnie

1 comment:

  1. i love love LOVE you bonnie! you have no idea how much i appreciated and enjoyed having you and caroline over here for an entire week! thanks for making the trip, i know it wasn't super easy. but you did it and i am so proud of you!
    next visit sure will be different :)
