My precious friend, Tara, and her adorable toddler, Bailey, came to visit la

st week! We had such a fun time, but it went by way too fast.
Aunt Becky, Daddy Thomas and Bailey's grandma were the photographers. We felt like rock stars with all of the flashes! Robyn and Aly came by to join in on the fun.
You can't tell from these pictures, but Caroline LOVED meeting her friend Bailey. Robyn and I kept saying how we feel like we've watched Bailey grow up because of Tara's blog. We all need to figure out how to do the video on these blogs, because Bailey's sweet voice is adorable and the world needs to hear her!
Tara tried holding our babies, but Bailey could not stand to let that happen! She loves her mommy and did not want to share her for very long.
On a related note, Caroline is 2 months old today! I went back through and looked at Tara's archives of blog entries from when Bailey was three months old. It makes me see how quickly these babies grow, but it is also exciting to see the new fun things that are ahe

ad for us!